I believe in giving back and donate a puppy from each litter to an assistance dog programs for Special Needs Children, Smart Pups or Miracle Assistance Dogs trained by RPA

Andrea has terminal cancer so “Byabby Ajay Hope “is going to give licks and love and be a friend for her husband Sean when she is not there .

Donated puppy  “Byabby Quixote Chris “ Pamula is blind and has had guide dogs in past , but just wants a friend.

Oscar and his family. 


Oscar has Cerebral Palsy and a wicked sense of humour. He is non-verbal and gets around in a wheelchair. He chose his puppy by sitting on my floor and meeting the pups.

When his father let him go to pick up a pup, Oscar fell sideways on the floor and couldn’t stop laughing at himself. He communicates with a touch pad and said he wants to train his pup to retrieve things, to which his father replied” So you can have a lap of sticks and balls”. This sent Oscar into another round of laughter.

Both these children have autism and their pup will be trained as an assistance dog

Oscar and his deaf family have a new donated puppy “Rusty” 

“Dear Bernadette,

I would like to say massive thank you for donating Rusty to me and my family, when I first met him, I was shocked which I thought we were there to pick up the chicken.

You have made my day.

I’ve lost my words on that day, I will make sure I will give Rusty the best life.

At this stage I’m struggling with him because he biting which I can understand he’s only baby, my family takes him to dog training to help improving his behaviour and bond with me,

I really appreciated with your gesture.

Love Oscar”